The Fayetteville school board's blog linked below has brief comments on the candidates remaining in the running for superintendent.
Strangely, there is no mention of their academic qualifications, just where they got degrees. In order to understand them a bit, I would at least want to know what academic subjects they are qualified to teach. We seem to be drifting away from the time when the principal was the principal teacher, when the superintendent was a teacher of special talent and merit. link to Vicki Thomas' current worksite.
If this description of Binggeli is correct, he should be perfect for herdiing Fayetteville's school board. I have heard our school board described as a cluster. "Brian Binggeli, 48, is Cluster Assistant Superintendent for Fairfax County Public Schools in Falls Church, Va."
Cluster 4
Assistant Superintendent: Brian Binggeli
Office Address: 8115 Gatehouse Road, Suite 5800, Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone: 571-423-1140 | Fax: 571-423-1147 | E-mail:
Home Page:
3209 Birchill Court, Glen Allen, Virginia 23059
Work (571) 423-1143 ♦ Residence (804) 261-6235 ♦ E-mail:
2001 DOCTOR OF EDUCATION - Educational Leadership and Policy Studies,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24060
1989 MASTER OF EDUCATION - Educational Administration and Supervision,
Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA 23860
1981 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE - Secondary Social Studies Education, Miami
University, Oxford, OH 45056
FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, 8115 Gatehouse Rd., Falls Church, VA 22042
2006-present Cluster IV Assistant Superintendent – Area responsibility for 29 sites in 3 high
school pyramids, adult and alternative centers, 22,000 students (total division size
164,843 students). I was asked to lead a project team that revised the division
school improvement plan process providing schools with a more focused and
strategic planning model. We have combined programmatic self-assessment with
best-practice research to enhance collaboration and instructional practice. AYP
math performance increased at a percentage higher than the division or state with
black and economically disadvantaged student subgroups showing the greatest
gains. Of the three FCPS high schools that posted double-digit increases in SAT
combined average scores from 2005 to 2007, two were in Cluster IV.
SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY SCHOOLS, 8020 River Stone Dr., Fredericksburg, VA 22407
2005-2006 Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction – Responsibilities were
expanded to supervision of K-12 curriculum development and delivery, 24,186
students. We redesigned the professional development program anchoring site-
based and division efforts on student performance data and improvement goals.
2003-2005 Director of Middle Education – We reconfigured the use of instructional time,
reducing core area class size and creating time for in-day intervention. Student
performance during this two-year period increased for every subgroup with
overall achievement increasing at a rate much higher than the state average.
These achievement gains occurred despite the division’s percentage of
economically disadvantaged students increasing by 21% as compared to a
state increase of 5.3%.
HENRICO COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, P.O. Box 23120, Richmond, VA 23223
1995-2003 Principal - Tuckahoe Middle School, 1,164 students, grades 6-8; received Blue
Ribbon recognition by the U.S. DOE – 1996. Our school was one of nine middle
schools in Virginia to meet full accreditation status in the first year of Standards
of Learning (SOL) testing. Our percentage of economically disadvantaged
students was four times the average of the other successful comprehensive
schools. In my final two years as principal, our disabled students, as a group unto
itself, actually met Virginia’s standards for full accreditation. In these years, I
conducted regression analyses correlating the combined SOL results for both
regional schools and the 50 highest scoring middle schools in the state with their
respective economically disadvantaged percentage. In each case, our school
emerged as having results two standard deviations above its predicted outcome.
School division size: 47,537 students.
1993-1995 Principal - Goochland High School, 560 students, grades 9-12. We restructured
the use of time to increase student offerings and opportunity including the
creation of an early release program in which seniors studied at a junior college
or worked an internship at various businesses. We increased the percentage of
students earning an advanced studies diploma. In my two years as principal,
our students’ average norm-referenced test results (TAP) were 21.4% higher than
the average of the two previous years.
HENRICO COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, P.O. Box 23120, Richmond, VA 23223
1991-1993 Assistant Principal - Henrico High School, 1,034 students, grades 9-12.
1989-1991 Assistant Principal - Goochland High School.
HOPEWELL PUBLIC SCHOOLS, 103 North 11th Avenue, Hopewell, VA 23860
1986-1989 Social Studies Teacher - Hopewell High School, 1,080 students, grades 9-12.
Also served as assistant varsity football coach.
Department Chairperson (1988-89) - social studies department.
ELYRIA CITY SCHOOLS, 40719 Griswold Road, Elyria, OH 44035
1981-1986 Social Studies Teacher - Elyria High School, 1,890 students, grades 9-12. Also
served as head varsity ice hockey coach and assistant varsity football coach.
Adjunct professor – Virginia Tech; Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Ed.D. program – ELPS 6004 “Theories of Educational Administration”
Adjunct instructor – University of Virginia; NCED 103A “Leadership and Administration
Issues in K-12 Education” – administrative licensure program for identified teacher leaders
Selected as one of 33 administrators statewide to provide assistance to administrative teams in
school divisions having schools in the “School Improvement” category – summer, 2005
Served as a consultant to Dinwiddie County Schools - presented a workshop on the utilization of
research-based instructional strategies to the division’s middle school teachers - August, 2005
Steering Committee Member, Virginia Demonstration Project – effort between several school
divisions and Naval Centers in Virginia to team scientists and engineers with middle school
science and math teachers to use research and robotics to solve an original problem – 2005-2006
Served on a 21-member commission established by the Virginia General Assembly to “review,
study and reform educational leadership” – 2002-2004
Served on the Committee to Enhance the K-12 Teaching Profession in Virginia during the
completion of its final proposal to the Virginia Department of Education – 2002; Invited by DOE
to participate in the Virginia Teacher Quality Forum – March, 2003
Served as a discussant for the Virginia Department of Education Learning Forum - created
instructive videotape related to effective instructional leadership – 2000
Member: American Association of School Administrators; National Association of Secondary
School Principals; Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals; Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development
Invited by the VASSP to present a session supporting the meaningful use of data and research to
improve instructional leadership – Virginia Principals’ Conference – June, 2005
Presented workshops on the effective utilization of data to improve instructional practices and
enhance program development – Henrico and Spotsylvania County Public Schools New Teacher
Academies and Leadership Development Programs – 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2006
Presented workshop for education leaders throughout the nation when school was selected as a
location for the National School Board Assoc. Education Technology Site Visit – March, 2003
Invited to present effective school practices to the Virginia Department of Education Instructional
Division – June, 2002
Presented research related to school accountability - University Council for Educational
Administration Convention - 2001 (refereed)
“An Analysis of Issues that Helped Shape Florida Public School Accountability Legislation:
1989-2000” (published doctoral dissertation)
Selected by the Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals as Outstanding Middle
School Principal of Virginia – 2002
Selected Henrico County Public Schools Instructional Leader of the Year – 2000 (division size –
66 schools; 47,537 students)
Nominated by the Richmond Area Counselors Association for the Virginia School Counselors
Association School Administrator of the Year Award - 2001
Invited by the Council on Virginia’s Future to join leaders from business and government to
frame an issue booklet on human capital development for tomorrow’s economy – fall, 2005
Member of Glen Allen Community Center
Volunteered with family to feed the homeless at a local shelter, clean up a local park, pick up
trash on adopted stretch of road, and support efforts of the local SPCA
As a principal and central office administrator, I met parents in elementary schools, church
community rooms, and apartment community rooms in an effort to help them support their
children in school.
Married to Sherri Binggeli. One daughter – Hailey – 10 years old
Available upon request