Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lessie hits a home run in The Fayettevillage Voice

If Lessie keeps cutting to the heart of things with such satirical pieces as Sunday's post on The Fayettevillage Voice,
"Fayetteville School District administrators are exploring the possibility of contracting out teaching positions at district schools as a way to reduce expenses, legal requirements, and personnel problems.

"Superintendent Bobby New said the idea is something they are gathering information on and described officials as being in a 'fact-finding" stage. "I want to emphasize exploratory,' New said. He described the exploration of contracting out classroom teaching as part of an ongoing effort to look at areas where expenses can be reduced. 'This district is always on the lookout for efficiencies within our budget,' New said."

we Jonah mourners may just forget the 19th-century has-been and become true believers in the efficacy of new bloggers.

To find a link to The Fayettevillage Voice, please scroll down the right side of this page to the link list.

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