Saturday, August 16, 2008

Discussion of proposed government-channel policy document welcome at link below

Please visit A site for discussion of Telecom Board and Government Channel issues to read proposed revised government-channel policy and read it in light of the Times story available just above it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't we discuss it here? Keeping the forums is a no-brainer.
I doubt you really need a fairness committee. But having one might reassure those who imagine a Ku Kux Klan forum request may be coming in their next email that it is safe to have forums requested by 20 people who aren't part of the government as long as the subject is government business.
Are you sure you are accounting for voting people in the county who are subject to the Quorum Court but may not get government channel? They deserve to have forums on issues of interest in the county that may not excite city residents enough to request one. There is too much gap between city and county residents as it is. Be tiyr brothers' keeper!