Monday, August 2, 2010

Tell your senators to vote to support job legislation TODAY

We're at a critical moment for the folks who depend on public services and the workers who provide them.
Today, the U.S. Senate will vote on whether to provide billions of needed dollars to state and local governments that would do nothing less than help prevent severe cuts to public services and jobs. We need you to join us in demanding that Congress keep America working. 

this is about you. If Congress fails to act, more than 900,000 public and private sector workers will lose their jobs.
Call Now
Call now and tell your Senator to support state fiscal aid and education jobs money.
Republicans in Congress have blocked every piece of jobs legislation and every dollar of state aid, putting the jobs and lives of hundreds of thousands of people on the line. H.R. 1586 includes $16.1 billion in state fiscal aid (known as FMAP) and $10 billion in education jobs funding. 
Please click here to tell your Senators to pass H.R. 1586 with aid to states and school districts NOW!
Less than five minutes of your time could mean hundreds of thousands of jobs saved.
In solidarity,

Charles Loveless
Legislative Director

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