Sunday, November 8, 2009

Climate Change Task Force (previously known as Carbon Caps Task Force) meets today: For details, search google for Carbon Caps Task Force

From: joanna pollock (
Sent: Sun 11/08/09 9:24 AM

Greetings All,

If possible please join us at the new Omni House today at 1pm until 2:30pm for a Climate Change Task Force discussion of current and future endeavors. I am including a mission statement for CCTF for your comment and criticism. We will go over this briefly at the meeting so bring your impressions to share. The agenda is attached to this e-mail and the CEW headlines from the last few days.

I look forward to meeting with you to discuss our plans.

"The mission of the Omni Climate Change Task Force (CCTF, originally Carbon Caps Task Force) is to educate the Northwest Arkansas citizenry about the current realities of climate change locally and globally, as well as, future scientific projections. The CCTF is committed to collaborating with similar organizations for actions that inspire the reduction of green house gases through life-style and legislative change."


Joanna Pollock

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