Monday, October 27, 2008

Why have these signs been in city hall for 10 days?

Please click on image to ENLARGE.


Anonymous said...

The better question is why are the mayor's campaign signs in city hall at all? State statutes prohibit campaign materials in public buildings and provide criminal penalties. If Dan Coody is using city hall for a campaign headquarters or for distributing campaign materials, who can stop him? Who will stop him?

Anonymous said...

You must have used PhotoShop to make it look like Coody is violating the law. He would no more have campaign materials in the city hall than he would violate the 100 feet limit for campaigning outside the entrance for early voting at the courthouse.

Anonymous said...

Would Coody use city-owned public property to place campaign signs? See the old ice cream drive thru on 6th street.
Who would believe it? Oh yeah, what's ours is His.

Anonymous said...

Jonah Tebbetts' The Iconoclast finally commented on this situation and included links to the state law that forbids an incumbent from using public space to store his campaign paraphernalia.
Coody has a serious case of arrogant disregard for the law and for the rights of others. I heard the rumor about these signs being there before either one of you posted photos and comments.
Will Coody blame it on the ignorance of his employees who work in that part of the building and didn't toss out the signs sooner? That will justify his not wanting to give them a cost-of-living or a merit raise. And some people would agree. If employees aren't willing to tell the boss to do the right thing, they aren't worth much. But, with a boss like Coody, people aren't willing to offer ANY advice. Certainly, not a suggestion to do the right thing.