Saturday, May 31, 2008

Carrying capacity of Boston Mountains exceeded long ago

Can anyone explain this mad dash to sell the high school to the college and have both institutions spend millions of taxpayer dollars for something that is not needed?

Who will profit, whose ego will expand?

Following the money is the hard part.

Following the garbage from growth is the easy part. Right now, a lot is being shipped to eastern Oklahoma for burial in landfills that no more should exist there than in Northwest Arkansas. Northwest Arkansas was "built-out" decades ago but the big egos and the big bucks keep coming to make the area less and less sustainable (livable) every day.

Dedicated environmentalists are not the ones who are anti-growth. They are only the realists who sound the warning. Nature and the creator limited carrying capacity. The logical limits of population growth were set by forces outside our control. Pointing out those limits is the duty of people who pay enough attention to understand reality.

A popular saying is that cities must grow or die. The reality of cities may actually be the opposite. If their leaders refuse to acknowledge the logical and safe limits of their growth, cities become unlivable and finally die.

Soil and water and air sustain life. Not buildings and not technology. A denser population can only reduce freedom and increase fear and crime and poverty. The only people who can comfortably advocate endless growth are people who are confident that they will not have to endure the discomforts it will bring. And how many can guarantee that privilege even to themselves?

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