Sunday, May 25, 2008

Brooks Bayou an hour after Sunday's rain ended

Please click on image to ENLARGE.


Anonymous said...

Is that where a trail will go instead of an extension of a street?
That is beautiful land. I had no idea of how that place looks.

Anonymous said...

We went back there on a bird count last year and it truly is a place that shouldn't have a road through it. A trail will be great for seeing nature without having to tramp through it.

That dredged out right of way needs to be filled with some of that topsoil you talk about all the time and planted this fall with native seed off the adjacent land.

Maybe the Pinnacle management will agree to let most of the part to the west grow native tall grass and milkweed and other wild plants you have photographed there through the full growing season and protect nesting habitat for more of the birds that use our native prairies. Mowing once in winter would be enough to prevent it from becoming woodland.

Ask Joe Neal for advice about that.