Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Truthout shares the facts that rash limburger tries to hide

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So let me get this straight.
Rick Santorum, who we are somehow supposed to believe is a serious candidate for the highest office in the land, thinks people should not go to college because education is somehow a code word for socialist indoctrination. Mitt Romney, another walking joke, was for birth control before he was against it before he was for it before he was against it before he was for it. Rush Limbaugh, the godhead of hate radio and the leader of the modern GOP, wants private citizens who use birth control to film themselves having sex for his personal edification.
Meanwhile, the latest polls tell us that fully half of the Republicans in Alabama and Mississippi believe President Obama is a secret Muslim … oh, and they're not quite sold on the legality of mixed-race marriage, either.
And that's just for openers, here in the brave new world that is 21st-century America. Call it stupid, call it silly, dismiss it with a disgusted wave of your hand if you wish, but this stuff is being blasted out there in an endless barrage, and after awhile, it sticks. 

Cretins like Rush Limbaugh not only spew anti-Muslim hatred on domestic airwaves - Limbaugh is a featured program on Armed Forces Radio, reaching the ears and minds of American soldiers fighting a grinding, ceaseless and pointless war in Afghanistan.

There has never been a more important time for Truthout to continue the hard work of getting the facts straight, and getting those facts out there past the firewall of nonsense, hatred and flat insanity that passes for news and comment these days.

In the midst of continuous, aggressive attacks on Truthout’s website, the outpouring of support from our community this week has been deeply strengthening. We are here because you all keep us here. We’re aiming to reach 1,000 donations by the end of the week, and we’re already almost halfway there - please support our work with a tax-deductible contribution tonight! 

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