The Morning News
Local News for Northwest Arkansas
Fayetteville Forms New Accountability Body
By Skip Descant
FAYETTEVILLE — Oversight and accountability were top concerns by the Fayetteville City Council, as the city inches forward on an economic development strategy.
What is clearly an outgrowth from the too-often result of studies and strategic planning — fancy glossy documents that sit on a shelf and collect dust — Fayetteville has put together a 16-member Fayetteville Forward Economic Accountability Council made up of key figures from the summit and the community.
"So, our plan is ... to get this group together really quickly," Don Marr, Fayetteville chief of staff, told the City Council during its agenda session Tuesday. "We're getting a lot of feedback from citizens who want to get working,"
"We got to start somewhere, and it's time to get going," said Bobby Ferrell, a council member.
And like other city commissions and boards, the accountability council will meet regularly and establish staff reports, Marr said.
Another idea near the top of the list of items the council decided was important, is establishing a sizable nest egg of money the city can access quickly to use as incentive money.
"All five of you voted to establish a $5 million closing fund," Marr told the group. However, given the current economic climate, the administration admits that this clearly a "long-term goal."
But a number of other items on the list are either short-term or have already been put in place. For example, the Fayetteville Planning Commission is already moving forward on establishing "form-based zoning codes," which take into consideration how development in particular land-use zones appears. Conventional zoning simply addresses the use of the property. Form-based zoning was ranked sixth by the City Council.
Each of the 38 items on the list will be considered in some fashion by the administration. And each of these items have been placed in the lap of a City Council member and representative from the city staff to begin working through the range of issues and whatever road-blocks need to be cleared.
For example, drafting a low-impact development ordinance — which received five council votes — will be lead by City Council member Sarah Lewis and Jeremy Pate, who serves as Fayetteville's planning director. Lewis has been an outspoken advocate for drafting public policy that encourages low-impact development.
"Well, we said after 90 days we'd get going, so here we go," said Fayetteville Mayor Lioneld Jordan. "Its going to be a lot of work, but with this group, I know they can get it done."
Fayetteville Forward Economic Accountability Council
City of Fayetteville Representative: Mayor Lioneld Jordan
City Council Representative: Shirley Lucas
Chamber of Commerce Representative: Steve Clark, Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce CEO
University of Arkansas Representative: Michele Halsell
Economic Incentives & Job Growth: Eva Madison
Land Use & Green Infrastructure: Fran Alexander
Transportation & Light Rail: Larry Driver
Green Economy: Keaton Smith
Health Care: Jayme Smith
Public Education: Susan Norton
Creative Economy: Sonia Gutierrez
Citizen Empowerment & Volunteers: Marta Gwyn Collier
Questioning the Assumptions on Growth: Susan Jenkins (pending)
Historic and Heritage Resources: Paula Marinoni
Local Food Economic Initiative: Teresa Mauer
Inclusion: Pattie Williams (pending)
Source: City of Fayetteville