Monday, December 29, 2008

1975 bombing at La Guardia killed 11 and injured 75 more.

The more it changes the more life stays the same.

1975: Bomb detonates at LaGuardia
A bomb placed in a coin-operated locker near a TWA baggage area exploded this evening at the LaGuardia Airport in New York. Eleven died from the blast and 75 people were injured.

"Flying glass and steel ripped like shrapnel into scores of holiday travelers and airport workers," reported the Bennington Banner on December 30, 1975. "A UPI reporter who was waiting for a flight said she saw a 'human head – just a head – on a window ledge.'"

NOTE: Had the bomb gone off just 15 minutes sooner when passengers from two planes were waiting for their luggage, there certainly would have been more injuries and deaths. "‘Usually a bomber picks a specific target for a specific reason,’ said one New York City police detective. ‘But this was just a senseless attack on innocent people,’" relayed the Bennington Banner on December 30, 1975. The bombing is still unsolved.

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