Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Speak up tonight to support the proposed ordinance to protect our streams and our watersupply from degradation

Tuesday, Feb 15, 6:00 pm City Council Meeting
Fayetteville Streamside Protection Ordinance
       Second reading

City Council is feeling vulnerable to the loud and uninformed voices - several from out of town -  that the media focused on at the first reading of this important ordinance.  They need to hear from responsible Fayetteville residents that we're willing to embrace this ordinance.  It's essentially a careful and reasonable set of rules, and city employees continue to try to refine it to work with property owners who are affected.  

Thank you Michelle Halsell for this post ...

... Please speak up for our local waterways!
Michele Halsell, Arkansas Power & Light  

Please consider showing your support for the Streamside Protection Ordinance!  

The proposed ordinance will be heard February 15 (2nd reading) and March 1 (3rd reading), 2011 at 6:00pm at the City Council meeting at City Hall in Fayetteville.  We want to provide ample time for citizens to provide comment and to learn about this very important initiative. 

You can read about the ordinance at;

You can also email the City Council members at city_clerk@ci.fayetteville.ar.us and ask that your message be forwarded to the Council members.  The phone numbers of the Council members can also be accessed on the City's website,  

Thank you for continuing to be an integral part of this community.  This project needs you.  It needs your support and the Council Members need to hear from you.  You understand the economic benefits to protecting ecosystems and the services they provide. 

"It is less expensive to prevent pollution from entering a system than it is to remove the pollutants after they have entered the system." (EPA)  Please help tell this story to Fayetteville's City Council members, as well as to the rest of the community. 

For photos of streamsides have been damaged and riparian zones denuded and people studying the problem and attempting to reduce the problem,  please see Flickr photos.
 Or karst and wetland.

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