Please click on image to ENLARGE view of Joanna showing invitation to the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology's 2011 peace-garden tour coming up on May 28, 2011. Lauren D Hawkins created the flyer for OMNI and Joanna is showing it along with a bouquet she acquired from the Fayetteville Farmers' Market on April 30, 2011.
For more photos from the Fayetteville AR square and its farmers' market on April 30, 2011, please see link to Flickr.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Directory of Green Providers useful site for everyone
Green Providers Directory offers excellent information.
A statement by the World Scientists Warning to Humanity, signed by 1600 senior scientists from 70 countries, including 102 Nobel Prize laureates, has said: Pressures resulting from unrestrained population growth put demands on the natural world that can overwhelm any efforts to achieve a sustainable future. If we are to halt the destruction of our environment then, we must accept limits to that growth. That does not imply a Chinese style approach to population quotas - programmes aimed at the better education and empowerment of women across the globe coupled with more readily available contraception methods are proven approaches to reducing birth rates.
A statement by the World Scientists Warning to Humanity, signed by 1600 senior scientists from 70 countries, including 102 Nobel Prize laureates, has said: Pressures resulting from unrestrained population growth put demands on the natural world that can overwhelm any efforts to achieve a sustainable future. If we are to halt the destruction of our environment then, we must accept limits to that growth. That does not imply a Chinese style approach to population quotas - programmes aimed at the better education and empowerment of women across the globe coupled with more readily available contraception methods are proven approaches to reducing birth rates.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Lauren Hawkins and John Rule discuss landmarks on the Road to Frog
Please click on individual images to ENLARGE.
For several hundred more photos from April 26, 2011, and April 28, 2011, trips to John Rule's road to Frog Bayou, please use this link to a set of pictures on Flickr.
Magnificent views and dangerous S curves as much as 1,000 feet above the valley floor make wise visitors drive slowly |
For several hundred more photos from April 26, 2011, and April 28, 2011, trips to John Rule's road to Frog Bayou, please use this link to a set of pictures on Flickr.
Silene virginica, called Fire pink in some areas, is a special mid-spring flower near John Rule's Road to Frog and in many parts of the Ozarks |
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Northwest Arkansas' International Erosion Control Association Network luncheon May 24 in Rogers
Northwest Arkansas’ International Erosion Control Association Network
(NWA IECA Network)
Lunch 'N' Learn
Patti Parker
Ewing Irrigation Products, Inc.; Shreveport, LA
Geosynthetics: Erosion & Sediment Control Applications
Tuesday, May 24, 2011; 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Golden Corral, Rogers
2605 Pleasant Crossing Drive, Rogers, AR 72756
Arrive by 11:30 am to eat & network. $1 Gratuity added at purchase.
+ + + + News & Events + + + +
April 27 Free webcast: “Community-driven Green Infrastructure: Lessons Learned, Information Sharing, & Discussion”
27 IECA webcast: “Low Impact Development for Clean Water: Proper Design, Installation, & Maintenance”
30 National Drug Enforcement Agency Drug Take-back Initiative
May 1-3 Arkansas Water Works & Water Environment Association Conference; Hot Springs, AR
3-5 Free workshop: “Storm Water Quality Management - Industrial;” Oklahoma City, OK
4 Free workshop: “Storm Water Quality Management - Construction;” Oklahoma City, OK
4 Free webcast: “Meeting the New Public Education Requirements of the MS4 Permit”
4 Free webcast: “Wetlands-at-Risk Protection Tool”
12-13 Annual Ohio Stormwater Conference; Columbus, OH
17 Chesapeake Water Environment Association: “Meeting the Challenge of Achieving Bay Area Stormwater Requirements;” Linthicum, MD
17 Annual Northeastern Non-point Source Pollution Conference; Saratoga Springs, NY
19-21 REALgreen Sustainability Conference and Exposition; Rogers, AR
25 IECA webcast: “Watershed Protection and Restoration: A How-to Guide for TMDLs”
June 22 IECA webcast: “Simple Design Procedures for Stable Channels”
23 Floodplain and Stormwater Management’s Annual Conference; Ashland, NE
July 5-8 EPA Region 6 Annual MS4 Operators’ Conference; San Antonio, TX
27 IECA webcast: “Technical Design and Construction for Construction Field Personnel”
August 21-25 StormCon; Anaheim, CA
23-25 Clear Water Alabama Field Day & IECA Road Show; Birmingham, AL
24 IECA webcast: “Low Volume Roads”
September 12-13 American Public Works Association: Water Resources Conference; Wilmington, NC
25-28 Low Impact Development Symposium: Greening the Urban Environment; Philadelphia, PA
October 3-5 Southeast Stormwater Association’s Annual Conference; Asheville, NC
15-19 Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition & Conference; Los Angeles, CA
20-22 Annual American Society of Civil Engineers’ Conference; Memphis, TN
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
West arm of the Town Branch of the West Fork of the White River carries debris from I-540 and US 62 in Walmart area in Earth Day/Easter flood
Please click on individual images to ENLARGE view of debris on upstream side of culvert under South Beechwood Avenue at West 18th Street after flash flood subsided on April 25, 2011.
Outfall from Crowne Apartments' stormwater-detention pond surrounded by flotsam and jetsom. Did it come from the Walmart area along MLK or from the detention pond? |
Is this a combination of mulch from around plants with fast-food debris? |
What pollutes our water supply?
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Education Channel agreement between Fayetteville public-school system and Fayetteville city government moving toward final form
Link to video of April 21, 2011, Telecom Board meeting.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Parking lot south of MLK floods west arm of the Town Branch of the West Fork of the White River; its dredged and filled and concreted wetland provides underutilized, excess parking space on April 21, 2011
Please click on individual images to ENLARGE view. Progressive planning would have paved less and used the natural organic prairie soil and native vegetation to prevent flooding by keeping more of the water where it falls, which would allow it to soak in and reduce pollutants entering the region's main source of drinking water.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tree and Landscape Committee presentation on native vs non-native plants
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Please bring children to World Peace Wetland Prairie on Sunday, April 17, 2011, to celebrate Earth Day with Toucan Jam and many other local Fayetteville, Arkansas, musicians and singers
Please click on image to ENLARGE view of Donna Stjerna and Kelly Mulhollan's poster for Earth Day 2011 at World Peace Wetland Prairie.

World Peace Wetland Prairie EARTH DAY 2010 VIDEO
Flickr collection of sets of photos from World Peace Wetland Prairie
World Peace Wetland Prairie blog
World Peace Wetland
Aubrey's photos at
2000-2005 archive of stories and photos related to creation of WPWP: www.aubunique.comPlease use link below the map to see larger view of the WPWP area, which also allows a person to travel the world by 'Google AIR' by simply using the cursor to move in any direction or search for other addresses.
View World Peace Wetland Prairie in a larger map

World Peace Wetland Prairie EARTH DAY 2010 VIDEO
Flickr collection of sets of photos from World Peace Wetland Prairie
World Peace Wetland Prairie blog
World Peace Wetland
Aubrey's photos at
2000-2005 archive of stories and photos related to creation of WPWP:
View World Peace Wetland Prairie in a larger map
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Why removing invasive, nonnative plants is important, and why immediately replacing them with native species is most important
Handout sheet about value and importance of native species
to our food chain and other important considerations for wildlife and human beings.
to our food chain and other important considerations for wildlife and human beings.
Environmental Action Committee meets at 5:30 p.m. today in Fayetteville City Hall
Sarah Lewis' morning email:
Our agenda this evening's meeting that will take place from 5:30 to 6:30 in room 111 of City Hall will focus on the following topics;
1) Introductions
2) Mikel Lolley from the Green Economy Group of the FFEAC and Treadwell Institute will tell us about the Earth Day events taking place
3) Updates on projects
4) Discuss an educational outreach idea
5) Close
See you tonight.
Thank you for coming!
Ward 4 City Council Member
(479) 575-4296 office
(479) 263-2087 mobile
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopherOur agenda this evening's meeting that will take place from 5:30 to 6:30 in room 111 of City Hall will focus on the following topics;
1) Introductions
2) Mikel Lolley from the Green Economy Group of the FFEAC and Treadwell Institute will tell us about the Earth Day events taking place
3) Updates on projects
4) Discuss an educational outreach idea
5) Close
See you tonight.
Thank you for coming!
Ward 4 City Council Member
(479) 575-4296 office
(479) 263-2087 mobile
World Peace Wetland Prairie wildflowers on Flickr
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Aubunique response and ENTHUSIASTIC support for Block PARTY on Block Avenue to support true Fayetteville Merchants
Yes, I found the blurb on your Web site after emailing you. Cute.
I hope I don't offend anybody if I promote your event and the organization with a cutesy headline such as
"Intentiontal illiteracy part of smart effort to promote businesses along and near North Block Avenue"
"Block Avenue group not an educational organization, just a savvy retail marketing group competing against the NWA Mall, which pays property tax to the Springdale Schools instead of the Fayetteville Schools"
Catering to the ignorance of the masses, the Tea Party helped to put numerous Republicans in office in 2010. And maybe some of those new office-holders will get some good done. In this case, catering to the "Great geographical unwashed" may also do some good: Keeping sales-tax money for our school system in Fayetteville. Lord knows we need to do that, because the current and recent members of the Fayetteville School Board spend money as though we are in a boom time rather than a depression.
Persevere. I love my Block Avenue merchants. Even though they now operate on the 'most dangerous and frightening to drive' downtown roadway.
I hope they now recognize that they failed to stop the crazy plan for their "street," "avenue" or whatever one wants to call it only because they were NOT organized early enough to speak with one voice to tell the city street committee that nothing in the "improvement plan" would actually be good or please everyone. Business people accepted a few individual concessions but allowed the madness to go forward.
Like "Coody's big rock" in Dickson Street, it will all be removed at great expense in a few years. Compare to the madness on Capitol Avenue in Downtown Little Rock a few decades ago. Someone designed it. Someone got it accepted and approved. Someone made money constructing it and many more made money tearing it out and restoring it.
Good for some part of the economy but hell for the taxpayers.
I don't earn anything by doing what I do. I won't profit by whatever names are used to identify roads through our city. I don't personally profit from anything done in this. But "FACTS be FACTS."
Gotta love it.
But please persevere. We don't have to agree on all the details if we are doing the right thing.
Aubrey James Shepherd
P.O. Box 3159
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702
Aubrey Shepherd Central:
Aubrey's photos at
Aubrey's Main Blog
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 21:13:29 -0500
Subject: Re: Are you talking about Block Avenue? RE: Block St Block Party
Because they said so!!!... It is indeed Block Ave, however some of the merchants (not me!) felt that nobody would be the wiser... We would love for you or your friends to participate. Please pass the word to help support your local merchants, it's a dying breed!
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Aubrey Shepherd wrote:
I have heard people talk about Block Street a few times, but I can't imagine why. In Fayetteville, streets run east and west. Avenues run north and south. Springdale Streets run north and south and Springdale Avenues run east and west.
I understand that the fame of the Hill Street Blues tv show might cause some to call Hill Avenue in Fayetteville Hill Street. But why would business on the avenue call it Block Street?
Thanks for the invitation.
I will plan to attend and will promote on my Web logs, etc.
But I wish had been correct!
Aubrey James Shepherd (still-obsessive old writer and editor and professor of English).
P.O. Box 3159
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702
Aubrey Shepherd Central:
Aubrey's photos at
Aubrey's Main Blog
Aubrey's Outdoors
Beaver Lake Watershed blog
Carbon Caps Task Force blog
City Council Homework blog
Cool Earth Now
Fayetteville Arkansas blog
Fayetteville City Government blog
Fayetteville Ark Government Channel blog
Global Warming Commission blog
James Richard Bennett blog
Mayor of Fayetteville, AR blog
Need to Know blog
Northwest Arkansas Environment Central blog
Outdoors with Aubrey Shepherd blog
Red Oak Park blog
Senior Activity Center blog
Severance Tax blog
Town Branch Neighborhood blog
World Peace Wetland Prairie blog
World Peace Wetland
> Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 15:23:19 -0500
> Subject: Block St Block Party
> From:
> To:
> Hey folks, this is a cover letter we are sending out. I'm sending this
> to you personally as you have at sometime given me your business card.
> This should be a fun family event. Please feel free to contact me for
> any questions you might have... Stacey Wieties 479-443-2323
> Good Morning!
> We received your contact information as someone who might be
> interested in participating in a new community event we are really
> excited about: the first annual Block Street Block Party!
> Here's what we have planned so far:
> Almost 30 non-profits and community groups are being asked to
> participate to promote their causes and educate the community about
> what they do for no charge, on May 22, from 1pm to 8pm (Sunday). We
> have two lots for local artists and vendors, who are invited to sell
> their products and/or promote their businesses. We will have several
> food vendors, two electric stages set up, which will feature 8 local
> bands each, one acoustic stage at the House Concert porch, and our
> local DJ/electronica group (zone1) will have a spinning table. Hugo's
> is organizing a Waiter's race, we are having a hot dog eating contest
> at JR's, a back in parking demonstration by the Fayetteville Pedicab
> Co, and dozens of other activities, including Jo Ann Kaminsky's puppet
> craft table, mustache painting, tutu making, palm readers, bean bag
> tosses, a hula hoop workshop, etc. Does this sound like a fun event
> yourself or a group you are affiliated with would like to be involved
> with? If so, please follow this link to learn more or visit
> Here are your contacts:
> Stacey Wieties at - All non-vending activites.
> Jessy Lang at - All vending related activities.
> Hannah Withers at - Event Coordinator.
> Thank you all for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!
I hope I don't offend anybody if I promote your event and the organization with a cutesy headline such as
"Intentiontal illiteracy part of smart effort to promote businesses along and near North Block Avenue"
"Block Avenue group not an educational organization, just a savvy retail marketing group competing against the NWA Mall, which pays property tax to the Springdale Schools instead of the Fayetteville Schools"
Catering to the ignorance of the masses, the Tea Party helped to put numerous Republicans in office in 2010. And maybe some of those new office-holders will get some good done. In this case, catering to the "Great geographical unwashed" may also do some good: Keeping sales-tax money for our school system in Fayetteville. Lord knows we need to do that, because the current and recent members of the Fayetteville School Board spend money as though we are in a boom time rather than a depression.
Persevere. I love my Block Avenue merchants. Even though they now operate on the 'most dangerous and frightening to drive' downtown roadway.
I hope they now recognize that they failed to stop the crazy plan for their "street," "avenue" or whatever one wants to call it only because they were NOT organized early enough to speak with one voice to tell the city street committee that nothing in the "improvement plan" would actually be good or please everyone. Business people accepted a few individual concessions but allowed the madness to go forward.
Like "Coody's big rock" in Dickson Street, it will all be removed at great expense in a few years. Compare to the madness on Capitol Avenue in Downtown Little Rock a few decades ago. Someone designed it. Someone got it accepted and approved. Someone made money constructing it and many more made money tearing it out and restoring it.
Good for some part of the economy but hell for the taxpayers.
I don't earn anything by doing what I do. I won't profit by whatever names are used to identify roads through our city. I don't personally profit from anything done in this. But "FACTS be FACTS."
Gotta love it.
But please persevere. We don't have to agree on all the details if we are doing the right thing.
Aubrey James Shepherd
P.O. Box 3159
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702
Aubrey Shepherd Central:
Aubrey's photos at
Aubrey's Main Blog
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 21:13:29 -0500
Subject: Re: Are you talking about Block Avenue? RE: Block St Block Party
Because they said so!!!... It is indeed Block Ave, however some of the merchants (not me!) felt that nobody would be the wiser... We would love for you or your friends to participate. Please pass the word to help support your local merchants, it's a dying breed!
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Aubrey Shepherd
I have heard people talk about Block Street a few times, but I can't imagine why. In Fayetteville, streets run east and west. Avenues run north and south. Springdale Streets run north and south and Springdale Avenues run east and west.
I understand that the fame of the Hill Street Blues tv show might cause some to call Hill Avenue in Fayetteville Hill Street. But why would business on the avenue call it Block Street?
Thanks for the invitation.
I will plan to attend and will promote on my Web logs, etc.
But I wish had been correct!
Aubrey James Shepherd (still-obsessive old writer and editor and professor of English).
P.O. Box 3159
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702
Aubrey Shepherd Central:
Aubrey's photos at
Aubrey's Main Blog
Aubrey's Outdoors
Beaver Lake Watershed blog
Carbon Caps Task Force blog
City Council Homework blog
Cool Earth Now
Fayetteville Arkansas blog
Fayetteville City Government blog
Fayetteville Ark Government Channel blog
Global Warming Commission blog
James Richard Bennett blog
Mayor of Fayetteville, AR blog
Need to Know blog
Northwest Arkansas Environment Central blog
Outdoors with Aubrey Shepherd blog
Red Oak Park blog
Senior Activity Center blog
Severance Tax blog
Town Branch Neighborhood blog
World Peace Wetland Prairie blog
World Peace Wetland
> Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 15:23:19 -0500
> Subject: Block St Block Party
> From:
> To:
> Hey folks, this is a cover letter we are sending out. I'm sending this
> to you personally as you have at sometime given me your business card.
> This should be a fun family event. Please feel free to contact me for
> any questions you might have... Stacey Wieties 479-443-2323
> Good Morning!
> We received your contact information as someone who might be
> interested in participating in a new community event we are really
> excited about: the first annual Block Street Block Party!
> Here's what we have planned so far:
> Almost 30 non-profits and community groups are being asked to
> participate to promote their causes and educate the community about
> what they do for no charge, on May 22, from 1pm to 8pm (Sunday). We
> have two lots for local artists and vendors, who are invited to sell
> their products and/or promote their businesses. We will have several
> food vendors, two electric stages set up, which will feature 8 local
> bands each, one acoustic stage at the House Concert porch, and our
> local DJ/electronica group (zone1) will have a spinning table. Hugo's
> is organizing a Waiter's race, we are having a hot dog eating contest
> at JR's, a back in parking demonstration by the Fayetteville Pedicab
> Co, and dozens of other activities, including Jo Ann Kaminsky's puppet
> craft table, mustache painting, tutu making, palm readers, bean bag
> tosses, a hula hoop workshop, etc. Does this sound like a fun event
> yourself or a group you are affiliated with would like to be involved
> with? If so, please follow this link to learn more or visit
> Here are your contacts:
> Stacey Wieties at - All non-vending activites.
> Jessy Lang at - All vending related activities.
> Hannah Withers at - Event Coordinator.
> Thank you all for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!
Frisco Trail volunteers removing invasive, non-native China honeysuckle and planting native understory vegetation on April 11, 2011
For more photos from this work day at Frisco Trail and many more photos from the Tanglewood Branch of the Town Branch of the West Fork of the White River, please visit Flickr set.
Please click on individual images to ENLARGE.
Please click on individual images to ENLARGE.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
April issue of The Current magazine online
The Current Magazine online.
Photos from Fayetteville Farmer's Market on the square online at Flckr site
Please click on images to ENLARGE April 9, 2011, photos from Fayetteville Square.
For more relatively new photos from the square, please see Flickr set on Fayetteville Square set Page 3.
For slide show of sample slide show from five years of photos from the square, go to Flickr square slide show.
For more relatively new photos from the square, please see Flickr set on Fayetteville Square set Page 3.
For slide show of sample slide show from five years of photos from the square, go to Flickr square slide show.
Why was this fire still burning hours after landowner had abandoned it to burn allnight
Please click on individual images to ENLARGE April 8, 2011, view of open burning of debris from destruction of a house on S. Hill Avenue that is to be sold soon to the Regional National Cemetery Association. Completion of the sale is contingent on the lot being totally cleared of trees and structures and utility wires and pipes by the current owner who has been renting it to low-income people.
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