Tuesday, January 1, 2008

FEMA maps didn't include wetland overflow area along Town Branch when Aspen Ridge approved

PLEASE CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE view of Aspen Ridge from southeast corner.

The floodplain maps available to developers and planning officials during the time Aspen Ridge plans were being considered in 2003 and 2004 didn't show any floodplain between 11th and 6th streets on the Town Branch. That was their excuse for ignoring information offered by long-time residents of the Town Branch neighborhood. Even after the heavy flooding of April and July 2004, the neighbors' pleas were ignored. Flash floods in the dark leave debris and property damage and erosion but not good photo opportunities.
A story about levees in the Arkansas Democrat/Gazette doesn't mention problems in Northwest Arkansas but FEMA's out-of-date information was the same everywhere. See the story at the following link.

Revising FEMA maps too late for fast-developing areas

Even though the wetland overflow area has been filled, neighbors will get another chance to bring up old but now better documented concerns. See

Last chance to question wetland development in Town Branch Watershed three years ago
for a reminder.


Lessie said...

"A map is not the territory it represents, but if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness." --Alfred Korzybski

"A map is not the territory it represents, but if incorrect, it has little relation to the territory, which accounts for its utter uselessness." --Aubrey Shepherd

aubunique said...

Thanks, I needed that little nutl graph!