At 9:30 a.m. it appears that only two of us are at the usual monthly workday at World Peace Wetland Prairie. It is a perfect day, so we'll be spending time out there. We knew several said they couldn't make it, but being quiet makes the area especially nice.
Actually, the term "workday" may be a put off for some potential visitors to Fayetteville's 2.46-acre nature park at 1121 S. Duncan Ave. Working isn't required on workdays. This is a great day to walk slowly and watch the butterflies, skipper moths, clear-wing moths and other pollinators at work. Friday, the birds and butterflies were active around 10 a.m. and that may be the approximate starting time for a "feeding period" such as fishermen try to notice on the lakes and hunters note during their seasons. The creatures were relatively still and quiet at 8 a.m.
So come on out and just walk through and enjoy. If we do get rain, there will be a burst of new blooms over the coming few days and a return visit after the rain would give a person an idea of the potential of such places.
UPDDATE: Rain started about 11 a.m. and things are already perking up.
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