Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sierra Club science quiz. Check it out!

Sierra Club - Explore, enjoy and protect the planet
Dear Aubrey,
True or False:
 "There's no global warming in 
North America." 

not science button  that's true button 
Okay, maybe that's an easy one --
that was Fox News inaccurately
reporting the very real impacts
we're already seeing from
global warming.

But it's not far off from the
ridiculous things people say
about science. It's up to us to tell
science fact from science fiction.
Can you spot it? 
Choose your
answer to get started.
Take the Quiz!
The things people say!
"Wind is such an unreliable source of electricity that coal plants are required to operate around the clock as backup for wind power." -- fossil-fuel funded front group ALEC
More and more these days special interests go out of their way to spread misinformation and undermine science -- and the truth isn't always easy to see.
That's why we want to make sure you can spot the difference between science fact and science fiction! Take our Got Science or Not Science quiz today and get a free "Got Science?" sticker.
The Union of Concerned Scientists and the Sierra Club have teamed up to fight back against those who mislead the public about climate change and other vital issues. We want to expose disinformation and corporate "counterfeit science" and help scientists to do real cutting-edge research free from political interference. you think you can spot the fake? We've gathered quotes about climate change, deforestation, even dragons! It's up to you to determine whether each quote has got science or if it's not science. Click here to take the quiz.
And once you've demystified the misinformation, feel free to show off your smarts to your friends and let them know how they can get a free "Got Science?" sticker too.
It's really that simple: Take the quiz. Get the sticker. Tell your friends. Stand up for Science. Done.

It's up to us to defend science and ensure that decisions about our health, safety, and environment are based on sound science—not corporate hype and disinformation.


Your friends at the Union of Concerned Scientists and Sierra Club!

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