Saturday, October 20, 2007

Kansas denies request to build coal-fired generating plant because of CO2

Please click link to Washington Post story.

Coal-fired plant denied

Sets precedent for Arkansans' effort to stop similar plant in Texarkana area.


Anonymous said...


Nice name there.

You may want to tell your readers about a coalition that's been put together to help get the new energy bill passed. It calls for two very important things.

It would increase the CAFE standards from 27.5 today to 35 mpg in 2020. It hasn't been raised since 1985 - 22 years. That will cut down on how much gas we use and it would help the environment stay clean. And it may reduce our dependence on oil, which is, truth be told, a national security issue.

The second part is that it would have us get 15% of our electrical energy from renewable sources. That's called RES. And it would create jobs in the wind power and solar industries.

You may want to check out our online petition by clicking here: Energy Bill 2007


aubunique said...

Thanks, Jonathan. That is one organization and Web site I was not aware of. I'll ry to create a link on the blog tomorrow.