Aubrey James Shepherd's unique view from Fayetteville, Arkansas
Friday, July 10, 2009
Land-use and Green Infrastructure committee brings together wise heads on Thursday July 9, 2009
Please click on images to ENLARGE view of Fayetteville residents planning efforts of green-infrastructure and land-use committee of the Fayetteville Forward summit on July 9, 2009.
Aub, you call them wise heads. I call them the usual suspects. Those are the ones who control the master plans and the neighborhood plans and all charettes even though none of them lives in the areas being master-planned.
2:33, Yes, some of those are among the frequent participants in charettes and master plans in Fayetteville. But the are the higher echelon. They usual come in with good intentions!
That's me in the blue shirt, and I just want to tell you that these meetings are to try and figure ways to protect the hills, forests, streams, etc, which make up the natural systems within our city's borders. ANYONE can come and do all the work you can wring out of yourself and/or to change the direction of the committee, if you want. "The usual suspects" show up to try and do things they feel will improve the town. If you have a different opinion, all you need to do is also show up, put in your 2 cents, and do some work. Organize those who agree with you. And you are incorrect that anyone is trying to "control the master plans, etc" and do not live in these places. The natural systems that keep this town functioning--or failing (as with flooding)--are everywhere and affect everyone (that "we all live down steam" thing). There is no such thing as a "high echelon" in the sense you mean it, when every meeting is open to any and everyone who wants to show up. And if you want to run the show--have at it! But the"show" is figuring out how to keep water clean, air clean, soil productive, wildlife habitat intact, hills from washing away, tree canopy shading our hot city surfaces, etc. Be sure you come prepared to work to figure those things out. That's all this committee is about and once we actually reach any kind of "high echelon" status, it will only be because we climbed a very steep slope of mud to get there. If you disagree that these are worthy goals, then work on what you value via your own participation. Oh, and by the way---if we "controlled" anything, you can bet neither I, nor anyone else trying, would have to take the hundreds of hours out of our lives to do all this stuff. Life would be easy. We could sit at our computers or watch TV and know we don't have to read anything, or do research, or attend meetings, or email and phone people, or write politicians, or go to hearings, or travel to the legislature, or beg senators and congressmen for crumbs, or protest in the streets, or make signs and posters and picket like peons, or organize rallies, or hold bake sales for pennies to carry on, or stay up way too late giving the likes of you a piece of our minds.We could instead just pass judgments about people's motives and then change the channels or go fishing because we'd be in control. Say, YOU must be in control! Congratulations. Fran Alexander
Aub, you call them wise heads. I call them the usual suspects. Those are the ones who control the master plans and the neighborhood plans and all charettes even though none of them lives in the areas being master-planned.
2:33, Yes, some of those are among the frequent participants in charettes and master plans in Fayetteville. But the are the higher echelon. They usual come in with good intentions!
That's me in the blue shirt, and
I just want to tell you that these meetings are to try and figure ways to protect the hills, forests, streams, etc, which make up the natural systems within our city's borders. ANYONE can come and do all the work you can wring out of yourself and/or to change the direction of the committee, if you want. "The usual suspects" show up to try and do things they feel will improve the town. If you have a different opinion, all you need to do is also show up, put in your 2 cents, and do some work. Organize those who agree with you.
And you are incorrect that anyone is trying to "control the master plans, etc" and do not live in these places. The natural systems that keep this town functioning--or failing (as with flooding)--are everywhere and affect everyone (that "we all live down steam" thing). There is no such thing as a "high echelon" in the sense you mean it, when every meeting is open to any and everyone who wants to show up. And if you want to run the show--have at it! But the"show" is figuring out how to keep water clean, air clean, soil productive, wildlife habitat intact, hills from washing away, tree canopy shading our hot city surfaces, etc. Be sure you come prepared to work to figure those things out. That's all this committee is about and once we actually reach any kind of "high echelon" status, it will only be because we climbed a very steep slope of mud to get there. If you disagree that these are worthy goals, then work on what you value via your own participation. Oh, and by the way---if we "controlled" anything, you can bet neither I, nor anyone else trying, would have to take the hundreds of hours out of our lives to do all this stuff. Life would be easy. We could sit at our computers or watch TV and know we don't have to read anything, or do research, or attend meetings, or email and phone people, or write politicians, or go to hearings, or travel to the legislature, or beg senators and congressmen for crumbs, or protest in the streets, or make signs and posters and picket like peons, or organize rallies, or hold bake sales for pennies to carry on, or stay up way too late giving the likes of you a piece of our minds.We could instead just pass judgments about people's motives and then change the channels or go fishing because we'd be in control. Say, YOU must be in control! Congratulations. Fran Alexander
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