I wanted to invite you to our healthcare canvas on Saturday from 1-4 and to our Monday night meeting at 6:30 p.m. at our office. I'm including some info to help you find the office.
Here is a map of the location of the Change That Works office. I'm also including the google street view of our office. You can't see our office from this view (it's obscured by shrubbery,) but the building in the back of the photo is our office. The sign in front says "The Chiropractic Store" and above that it says "We Sell Health!" If you have any trouble finding it, just call me and I'll get you there! Our meeting on Monday starts at 6:30 and we'll have plenty to eat (burgers and pie) and it will be fun. Hope you can make it.
Amy Harper
(727) 667-1072
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