Please click on image BELOW to view today's damage to one of the largest trees in the new PARK land already dedicated to the city on the Hill Place student-apartment complex site. The roots have been shortened under the canopy of this huge oak regularly, beginning in 2005, and now with the project almost complete, another ditch cuts off more roots on July 7, 2009. The purpose is to allow a waterline to to be laid for watering what? The medians?
A fine example of all the unkept promises made first by the Aspen Ridge developers in 2003, 04 and 05 and again by the HIll Place developers in 2007 and 08. Are there any rain gardens? Our neighborhood asked for them. All the medians that could have been rain gardens are being filled with inappropriate almost impervious dirt and covered with turf. So much for the environmentally friendly development Hank Broyles promised when asking for approval of Aspen Ridge! This didn't start right and it isn't going to end up very nice, either. I would not want our neighbors who live on the streets nearest the sale barn to experience the misery this project has brought to our part of the Town Town Neighborhood.
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