We will have a Jennings-Plus Neighborhood Association meeting this Saturday, March 7th at 1:00 in the afternoon. We will meet at the Fayetteville Dance Center which is located at 25 East South Street. Please attend!
There is a multiple- parcel- rezoning request in the neighborhood that many neighbors are interested in learning more about and discussing. These 4 properties are at 145, 173, and 189 East South Street and 300 South College. Steve Winkler is the owner and developer and will be at our meeting to present his proposal to our neighborhood group. I attached a photo of these properties along with this email to give you more information about them.
The Planning Department Staff is willing to pass on your opinions concerning this issue to the Planning Commission, which will vote on this Rezoning Request at its Monday March 9th meeting at City Hall at 5:30pm. Email Jesse Fulcher with the Planning Department at jfulcher@ci.fayetteville.ar.us or call him at 575-8264 with your comments. Also, every Planning Commission meeting has an opportunity for the neighbors and the public to speak about the issues before they are voted on.
We hope to see you at the Neighborhood meeting Saturday March 7th.
Alan Ostner
Jennings-Plus Neighborhood Association
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